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Exploratory Requirement

The College of Arts and Sciences exploratory requirement provides students with a depth and breadth in the multi- and interdisciplinary knowledge needed in today’s complex world. Through concentrated intellectual engagement in disciplines outside a student’s major, this requirement offers expanded horizons and progressive challenges to more fully develop the scope of a student’s understanding, abilities and accomplishments.

In addition to satisfying the university-wide general education requirements, all students with majors in the College or Arts and Sciences* are required to complete 12 credits outside of their major rubric. A student may select these courses from either of the following:

  1. A single rubric of their choosing (e.g., ACC, ENG).**
  2. A pre-defined thematic set of courses identified on College of Arts and Sciences website. 

*K-12 Music Education, B.M., and B.F.A. majors, Honors College, Liberal Studies, and second degree students are exempt from the exploratory requirement.

**For the purposes of the exploratory requirement, Department of Mathematics and Statistics rubrics MTH, APM, MOR, and STA are regarded as a single rubric. WRT 1020 , WRT 1000 and WRT 1050 may not be used toward the exploratory requirement.

LIN1 Set title: Language, Culture, and Society
MTD1 Set title: Compose Your Own Music
MTD2 Set title: Explore the Performing Arts
MTD3 Set title: World Music
PS1 Set title: American Political Actors and Processes
PS2 Set title: American Political Institutions
PS3 Set title: Comparative Politics
PS4 Set title: International Relations
PS5 Set title: Law and Courts
PS6 Set title: Political Theory
PS7 Set title: Public Policy and Administration
PS8 Set title: The Politics of Diversity
PSY1 Set title: Explorations in Psychology
BIO1 Set title: Explorations in Biological Psychology
WRT1 Set title: Professional and Technical Writing
WRT2 Set title: Writing and New Media
INT1 Set title: Studies of the Family
INT2 Set title: Professional Ethics
INT3 Set title: Studies of Interpersonal Interaction
INT4 Set title: Exploring the Arts
INT5 Set title: Writing in Many Forms
INT6 Set title: Multidisciplinary Perspectives of Cinema
INT7 Set title: Race Relations in America
INT8 Set title: Formal Logic
INT9 Set title: Art & Theory Through the Ages
INT10 Set title: Cognitive Science
INT11 Set title: Language and Reality
INT12 Set title: Classics
INT13 Set title: Studies in History and Culture of Judaism
INT14 Set title: Studies of African History and Culture
INT15 Set title: Studies of Chinese History and Culture
INT16 Set title: Studies of Japanese History and Culture
INT17 Set title: Studies of Latin American History and Culture
INT18 Set title: Studies of Middle-Eastern History and Culture
INT19 Set title: Multidisciplinary Perspectives of Religion
PHL1 Set title: Natural Philosophy
PHL2 Set title: History of Philosophy
PHL3 Set title: Ethics, Law and Government
LBS1 Set Title: Explorations in Liberal Studies
COM2 Set title: Communicating in Professional Contexts
COM3 Set title: Exploring Intimate Relationships
COM4 Set title: Leadership in Groups and Teams
COM5 Set title: Leadership, Influence and Social Change
COM6 Set title: Mobile Journalists
SCI1 - Set title: Exploring Natural Science
SS1 - Set title: Exploring Social Science
ART1 - Set title: Exploring Studio Arts
ART2 - Set title: Exploring Fine Arts
COM/JRN/PR/ADV1 - Set title: Exploring Communication/Journalism/Public Relation/Advertising
WRT1 - Set title: Exploring Writing
LG1 - Set title: Exploring Language
ESL1 Set title: ESL Certificate
DIST1 Set title: College Distribution
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